Tag Archives: having kids changes you

Twooooooo | I’m changed and still the same



This is Levi practicing “two”. He’s still getting the hang of it, but I’m really liking his current interpretation.

I can’t belive my little baby is turning two on Sunday.

That has been a fast two years. FAST. And yet it feels long too.

So much has changed.

I’ve changed, mostly.

Having kids changes you like nothing else.

And yet I’m still me. I’m still the same person I always have been.

Just different.

I wish I knew hw to describe that better to freinds who’ve not yet had kids. I know they want to understnad. But they can’t. Well, not completely at least.

So this birthday marks two years of motherhood for me.

But really it’s not about me.

It’s about my precious little peanut that’s invaded my heart.

He is so funny, so clever, so gorgous, and so adorable… i can hardly stand it.

I love this age. Yes there are tantrums and shananagans, but there is so much personality, hilarity, adn wonder and curiosity. I love that Levi causes me to see life differently.

I’m so thankful for my first-born.

But can’t believe I only have  a one-year-old for a few more days.


Mah Baaaaybeeee!



Q for you: Do you have kids? Do you get what I mean when I say they change you and yet you’re still the same?




Click Clink Five is a blog by Adriel Booker. | Five minutes a day, unedited. | 2012 All rights reserved. | Adriel also writes on parenting and motherhood at The Mommyhood Memos.