Tag Archives: entertainment

Save the whales and what if’s

I just watched The Big Miracle – a nice, family-friendly movie about three whales trapped in the ice in northern Alaska.

It was based on a true story that took place in the late 80’s.

I don’t remember it on the news (I must have been about 11 years old when it broke), but if the movie was an accurate depiction then it looks like people all across America (and the world) were watching.

Ultimately a massive Russian ship broke through the ice barrier to help free them, combined with a huge local effort of concerned people working hard to see the mother, father, and baby whale brought to safety.

Of the three, only the mother and father survived. But a happy ending it was.

Now, I am all about stewarding creation and all that God’s given us.

There’s no question that animal cruelty is wrong.

I also believe we should do all that we can to make sure we’re not ruining irreplaceable habitat.

But as I watched this (entertaining) movie I couldn’t help but think that it was a huge effort and a lot of resources spent on those whales.

What if we spent that same amount of money and resources to see a young woman receive the cancer treatment that might save her life? What if we poured our resources into seeing that the autistic child receives the therapy he needs? What if we went out of our way to make sure the homeless man had a warm place to stay? What if we moved heaven and earth to make sure every child had a chance to learn to read?

I’m not opposed to movements like Green Peace at all. In fact, I think there’s a valuable place for them and we need them (and other organizations) to help bring light to serious environmental issues. And this story was not “just” about three whales – it represented so much more politically and environmentally – at the time. (And it really is a beautiful story.)

But what if…? What if…?

What if we took that same passion and harnessed it elsewhere?



Q for you: Do you “save the whales?”




Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited

Confession: I’m a sucker for reality TV

We love reality tv shows around here. LOVE.

Not what you’re thinking (Jersey Shores, The Bachelor). We love the talent competition ones.

First it was American Idol. Then, Australian Idol.

Then it was So You Think You Can Dance, the American version. (Yes, Ryan liked it just as much as me!!)

When that wore off, we got right into Master Chef for one or two seasons, the Aussie one.

That one got annoying because it was on six nights a week. SIX. (And it’s highly addictive!! Who wants to be “chained” to a show nearly every night a week?!!!)

Last year we got into The Block and Top Design. I was kinda obsessed with these shows. Seriously. I lovelovelove design and decorating. Ryan was almost equally into it. (It would be hard to equal my passion on this one.)

This year? Well, the Block is on again. (Yayyayayay!) But we’re also now ADDICTED to The Voice – the Aussie version.

The judges – Seal, Delta, Keith, Joel. Hello, they are the perfect line up!!

I think Ryan has a celebrity man-crush on Keith Urban. And I so get it – he’s so adorable!

And Delta just might be the most beautiful woman on the planet. Pretty sure I gush about her every ad break.

Joel is hilarious in a wear-it-on-your-sleeve kind of way. (He annoyed us as first and has now won both of us over.)

And then there’s Seal. (Need I say more?)

And the competitors? So. Awesome. So. Talented.

We were so excited to watch it tonight that we actually let Levi watch the first 1/2 hour with us since it started at 6:30.

As strange as this sounds… I felt like such a “real” little family sitting there, all watching The Voice together. Flash back 20 years and we would have been gathered around the little tely watching Young Talent Time.

Levi was captivated! Of course he’s obsessed with music so it was right up his ally… but I think there was also the I’m-up-at-night-watching-tv-like-a-big-boy-with-mom-and-dad factor that was pretty fun for him too.

Even Judah woke up so that he could be a part of the action. (cheeky baby.)

I so enjoyed having my boys piled on the couch with us as we enjoyed good music and watching people step out in faith to pursue their dreams.

We couldn’t help but wonder as we were watching… what would we do if one of our littles were on that stage one day?



Q for you: Reality TV – yay or nay??



p.s. Another confession: I went over time today. Like a minute.


Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited

Wel-a-come [with head shaking “yes” side-to-side] to the best, most wonderful, exotic, truly beautiful, luxurious and historic, most awe-inspiring hotel in all of India…

“The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.”

That’s what my friend told me as we pulled up to the theater.

I haven’t been to a movie in ages and had no idea what was out (except for the Hunger Games – who could not know that’s out?) so I was happy to let her chose the movie and surprise me. After all, she was treating me.

She told me a few times what we were seeing but the name was too long for me to remember.

We sat in the dark as the trailers ran and I asked, “Is is a drama? A comedy? A thriller?”

I had absolutely no idea.

“If I didn’t know you so well,” I said chuckling to her, “I’d be afraid you’re taking me to a porno.”

She looked at me curiously…

“The best exotic hotel?” I questioned (not being able to remember the rest of the name).

She assured me it was not a porno. (Far from it!)

Imagine my surprise and delight when some of the opening scenes revealed that the film is set in India.

Oh my heart. Love.

And then of course the title also made so much sense.

To be honest, it probably could have been a below average movie and I still would have loved it just based on the fact that it was India, blessed India.

She really was one of the main “characters”.

It was a sweet line up of Brittish stars (ie Judy Dench, Maggie Smith,e tc.) and a nice little story line about a bunch of seniors “finding themselves” during a sort of “gap year” for the elderly. (Minus the “year” part.)

(Oh, it also had the adorable star of Slumdog Millionaire… whose name I can’t recall.)

Sweet little story line, quirky characters, and ohhhh beautiful India.

I left with a big smile on my face and a skip in my step.

India. If nothing else, India……. *sigh*

I had no idea that going to the movies on a Wednesday night would leave me so incredibly stir crazy to get out of here.



Q for you: This was probably the worst (non) movie review ever written considering I mostly just waffled on and on about India. Have you seen the film? What did you think?




Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited.
Adriel also writes (using spell check!) on motherhood and parenting on The Mommyhood Memos

Terra Nova shwerra wova (a silly, silly television show)

Is there a worse show on television this year than Terra Nova?


The trailers for it looked exciting and interesting… But it so doesn’t deliver.

It’s neither exciting nor intersting.

I’m pretty sure my husband is the only one that watches this show.

He’s not as picky as I am when it comes to acting, obviously. Because this show’s actors? Most of them are just plain silly.

(Yes, maybe there are a few gems, but overall? Silly.)

And the story line?

S i l l y.

Please Terra Nova, quit trying to be all LOST-like. You are not. You will never be. You are. not. good. 

Waive your white flag now before you’re lying maimed and tortured and hanging by a thread of your dear life. Give. Up.

If this show makes it past season one I will fall off my chair. (Which would be hard to do considering I’m sittgin on the bed.)


Eli Stone.

Now there’s a show that I enjoyed that didn’t make it past season one.


If you missed it, think Ally McBeal meets… I don’t know. Some other attorney show that I can’ tthink of the anme of right now. You know, the one with that one lady in it? And hte shoe shop? Tipofmytonguebuticantthinkofit…. Bah!

So then, if not Terra Nova, what is the new show to watch this year?

I’m htnking maybe Homeland? One episode tonight and I must admit I’m sucked in… looking forward to nect week. [Disclaimer: there was one very dodgy scene and a few swear words that I was surprised by. Hmmm.]

And the New Girl. Looking forward to checking out the New Girl. (How can anyone not love Zooey?)


Nerds that critique tv adn acting that we know nothing about.

Maybe that shouldn’t be plural?

Nerd. – just me.

Yes, I am. A nerd. (Does anyone still use hte word “nerd” anymore?)


I miss LOST.


Q for you: Please tell me you don’t watch Terra Nova. Every so often I watch it with Ryan, thinking surely it gets better… But it never does. Ever. What are you watching right now?


P.S. And then there is Modern Family, in a league entirely of it’s own. As long as Gloria and Phil and Cameron and Luke are in my life I will continue to believe that good television still exists. (By the way, did anyone see Luke on Ellen? That kid’s hilarious.)

Click Clink Five is a blog by Adriel Booker. | Five minutes a day, unedited. | 2012 All rights reserved. | Adriel also writes on parenting and motherhood at The Mommyhood Memos.