Tag Archives: procrastination

Pack your bags, baby

I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’m packing well in advance of my trip.

And by “well in advance”, I mean four days.

I’m normally a have-all-the-lists-made-in-advance-but-pack-the-day-before sort of person.

But this time, I thought I’d experiment and do it on the weekend since we leave on a Tuesday.

So far, so good.

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that it’s taking me way longer. Way.

I have too much time to deliberate about what to wear. (And wonder what people are wearing “over there” these days. And what the weather will be like. And if I will have enough pairs of undies.)

Maybe it’s a little less stressful to pack a few days in advance, but I think I like the just-get-it-done pressure of doing it the day before. (It’s just that I’m learning with kids, the less pressure the better. You never know when melt-downs might strike!)

There will still be plenty of “last minute” things to put in – electronics, toiletries, snacks – but I can say that I already have three of the four of us packed. I’ve impressed myself. (And the fourth one can do his own packing.)

The biggest dilema is the shoes. I hate packing shoes.

(How many pairs of shoes do you take when you travel??)

Good thing I still have three more days to change my mind.



Q for you: Do you enjoy packing or hate it?




Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited

Dread. Don’t do it.

Dread is a sneaky kind of fear that robs you.

It doesn’t exactly feel like fear, because there’s not that ‘afraid’ aspect to it.

But don’t be fooled, the dragging-your-feet-expecting-the-worst is a type of fear no doubt.

Recently I tackled something that I had been dreading.

For months I had imagined it. Loathed it. Resisted it. Put it off.

And then finally, I did it.

To my surprise it was much, much easier than I had expected.

(Yes, I’m talking about potty training Levi here. But that’s not the point.)

The thing is, I had built it up into this momumental task in my head – something to be entered upon almost as a martyr… surrendering myself to the cause.

I put on my mom boots and got to work.

And found it to be…


And… even fun. (*gasp*)

So all of those months spent dreading and procrastinating? I now realize those were moments wasted, robbed by a mundane sort of fear that never should have been there in the first place.

And I see this to be true in other areas where I’ve “dreaded” before.

So here’s the thing about dread: don’t do it.

It’s just not worth it.



Q for you: What have you been dreading lately?




Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited

Quit stalling and get ‘er done

Do you ever avoid things you know you’re “supposed” to do?

No, of course you don’t.

Well, I must admit… I do sometimes.

But then there’s this one thing that happens when I do that other thing I was supposed to do but was dreading…

I feel glad.


Free to move on.

Funny how that works, huh?

How the thing that causes dread can turn into the thing that causes all those warm fuzzy feelings of *phew* and *sigh* and *ahhhhh* and oh-my-this-is-good?

That’s really all I have to say tonight.

Are you trekking? Hello?

Maybe there’s something that you’ve been putting off… and the day to call it quits on the putting off business is today.


(You’re call, not mine.)

For me, I’m resting easy tonight. My “should do” thing is done and I’m breathing easy.

STOP. (BAM, 3 minutes tonight, baby! Oh, it feels good!!)


Q for you: Is there something you’ve been putting off that you need to attend to?




Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited