Tag Archives: media

Save the whales and what if’s

I just watched The Big Miracle – a nice, family-friendly movie about three whales trapped in the ice in northern Alaska.

It was based on a true story that took place in the late 80’s.

I don’t remember it on the news (I must have been about 11 years old when it broke), but if the movie was an accurate depiction then it looks like people all across America (and the world) were watching.

Ultimately a massive Russian ship broke through the ice barrier to help free them, combined with a huge local effort of concerned people working hard to see the mother, father, and baby whale brought to safety.

Of the three, only the mother and father survived. But a happy ending it was.

Now, I am all about stewarding creation and all that God’s given us.

There’s no question that animal cruelty is wrong.

I also believe we should do all that we can to make sure we’re not ruining irreplaceable habitat.

But as I watched this (entertaining) movie I couldn’t help but think that it was a huge effort and a lot of resources spent on those whales.

What if we spent that same amount of money and resources to see a young woman receive the cancer treatment that might save her life? What if we poured our resources into seeing that the autistic child receives the therapy he needs? What if we went out of our way to make sure the homeless man had a warm place to stay? What if we moved heaven and earth to make sure every child had a chance to learn to read?

I’m not opposed to movements like Green Peace at all. In fact, I think there’s a valuable place for them and we need them (and other organizations) to help bring light to serious environmental issues. And this story was not “just” about three whales – it represented so much more politically and environmentally – at the time. (And it really is a beautiful story.)

But what if…? What if…?

What if we took that same passion and harnessed it elsewhere?



Q for you: Do you “save the whales?”




Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited

The loop (And staying in it)

My favorite newsy show moved from 7pm to 6pm and I haven’t seen it in weeks. Maybe months.

By the time we get the kids both into bed it’s 7:00 or 7:30pm and by the time I do my rounds picking up the house, changing over the laundry, or whatever else needs to be done, I’m often not sitting down until at least 8:00.

The last thing I want to do at 8:00 at night is to “read the paper” so to speak. I want to browse pinterest, check out facebook or instagram, and maybe watch some “compelling” television. (My favorite right now is the Voice – Australia’s edition just started.)

Sometimes I write at night, or edit photos.

And if I’m up for it, I might get some “work” done like answering emails or making lists for whatever it is I’m working on at the time.

But this “disappearing” program (and my lack of ambition to find my news online) means that I’m woefully behind on current events.

This is all very strange for me.

Normally I love keeping up-to-date. I love following the politics (hello, it’s an election year!!). I love being abreast of the latest breaking story.

But I don’t like to use my online time to read the news. I’d much prefer social networks or reading blogs or just researching stuff that I’m learning about. (Like googling “what to do with your lucky bamboo when it grows too tall”. True story. Mine’s grown way too tall and I have no idea what to do with it.)

So since I’m not reading much news online and I’m missing out on my favorite news show, I’m totally out of the loop.

And being out of hte loop makes me feel ignorant. And lazy.

I guess I’d better get in the loop again.



Q for you: How do you stay current on world events? Is it important to you?




Click Clink Five | Five minutes a day, unedited